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Pet Sematary 2
by Madison McSweeney
A fog-drenched, leaf-strewn
November day
Rachel and Louis Creed are laid
to rest. The circumstances were strange;
the police didn’t bother
to investigate.
A jogger stands a ways back,
out of sight from the crowd. His head still flaps
in the wind, his skull shines through.
“I feel I was used,” he says,
his voice hollow. No one hears.
“As was I,” says Judd,
limping on dead ankles,
peering into the caskets.
“I hope they can forgive me.”
From the house by the road
where the eighteen wheelers go
Rachel’s desiccated hand emerges to rest
on Judd’s shoulder. Louis stands slack-
jaws behind her. “There’s nothing
to forgive,
my dear --
“How about another beer,
For old times’ sake?”
Within the woods,
around the burial ground,
a child giggles,
and a cat yowls.
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