blood & chocolate
by Tianna G. Hansen
“I had the taste of blood and chocolate
in my mouth, the one as hateful as the other.”
~ Hermen Hesse, Steppenwolf
the iron taste of blood in my mouth
like chocolate, melts down my hollow throat.
after many moons spent racing through forests
I have mastered my craving for blood, heat
the taste of human like chocolate - a delicacy,
divine. I feel relinquished after a kill
as if by being evil, I make up for all the good deeds
the devil races through my hotblooded veins
beckoning me to join him, to maim
and murder the innocence that lingers
in my soul. I must have a baptism of blood
holy and ripe. freshly cultivated for my tongue
alone. this wolf inside me will not be sated
it yearns for flesh of men and women,
it yearns for more than first requested
begs for a new beginning, crawling from
the womb cavity half-wolf half-woman
the way I was always meant to be born
& born again.