Time Fetches
by Paul Brookes
Watch yourself as it'll soon be time
that the tall hawthorn hedge
that bars you from other worlds
becomes thin this season
in it's cloud ghosted ditch
so folk from the other side
can bleed through to ours
and you'll see these weird folk
walk outside your door.
Burn a candle in your home
and light lanterns, jack o'lanterns,
candles outdoors to show
the weird folk, spirits and all
the direct way back. We don't
want them to detour where
they are not welcome. Respect them
and they'll respect you.
This night light a fire
in your hearth
to protect yourself
or better yourself.
Write on a scrap a paper
a part of your life
that you wish to be rid off,
such as anger, a baneful habit,
misplaced feelings, disease.
Throw it in the flame
so you may lose
that part you're ashamed of